
Wednesday, November 20, 2013


JELLY BEANS - Great reminder of how much time the average human has to explore the wonders this beautiful world has to offer.  Our daughter Tammy posted this today.  Click HERE.  

Speaking of how we spend our time here on earth, I watched a video today on the importance of sleep.  One statistic given - "If we live to be 90 years old, we will have spent 32 of those years sleeping"  Wow!

I WILL SURVIVE - check out this turkey's parody on thanksgiving.  Cluck HERE.

GEORGE BUSH on Leno.......Click HERE for a classy past president.  I have yet to hear him say anything negative about the current president.

KRISTEN POWERS from FOX turned from a left wing atheist to Christianity.  Click HERE. (Saw this on Lora Abel's Facebook post)

TATOR - Our grandson helped his LaCross team win 9-5 last night.  Proud of this kid.  Click HERE.

OUR PREJUDICES "put us in danger of not loving others as Jesus has called us to love. They have the power to break fellowship among believers. How many times do we excommunicate people from our lives because of our prejudices?  Too often. And sometimes we aren’t aware of it".  Just one paragraph from an interesting blog called: Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover – a guest post by Marlena Graves

SEPTUPLETS Turn 16 today.  Click HERE

Reading Philip Yancey's book today called "Christians and Politics: Uneasy Partners"  

Have religion and politics always been so divisive? Some Christians believe we have a right—more, a responsibility—to involve ourselves in politics. Others shun any mixing of politics and faith, while still others are turned off by both. 
Here are some quotes from this book: 

“In no other arena is the church at greater risk of losing its calling than in the public square.”
"MORALISM apart from grace solves little".

I will comment tomorrow on what interested me in this book.

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