
Thursday, November 21, 2013


MERRY CHRISTMAS - this deer hunting video is dedicated to my brother Don. Click HERE. (1 minute)

NUTS - A new report is all over the internet today.....the biggest study yet as to whether eating nuts can add years to your life.  This 30 year study showed that people who ate nuts every day were 20 percent less likely to die from heart disease or cancer. 

FEAR LESS FOR LIFE is a book written by Stephen Arterburn that I read after first listening to his podcast "NEW LIFE LIVE". 

In chapter 4 "Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone" Steven says, "It is easy to make fear sound like our enemy, but the feeling did begin as a gift from God.  The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. We make an enemy out of what should be our friend. We naturally avoid the pain associated with our apprehensions.  That's understandable - but not constructive. Don't retreat from fear!  Consciously make the decision to face the cause of the fear, partner with God and take control. 

C.S.LEWIS - 50 years ago on Friday, November 22, 1963, three lives ended within hours of each other. John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States; Aldous Huxley, noted English novelist; and a man known by his friends simply as “Jack.”  Click HERE for a special tribute from one of my favorite blogs.

G. K. CHESTERTON died in 1936 but his writing lives on.  Philip Yancey posted this comment by Chesterton.  Click HERE.

COIN WELL SPENT - If you have 5 minutes this is worth watching - but stay with it to the end.  If you live in the city and play an instrument this may give you goose bumps.  Click HERE.

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