
Friday, October 25, 2013


10 years ago I posed this question to a Jr. High Class I was teaching.  It went like this.   

"I will give you 5 clues to help you guess the answer to this riddle." 
  1. It's greater than God.
  2. It's more evil than the devil.
  3. Poor people have it.
  4. Wealthy people need it.
  5. If you eat it, you will die.
The answer is one word.  What is the word?   Click HERE if you don't know the answer.

I was watching TV yesterday and viewed 'Love Boat' Captain Gavin MacLeod discussing his new book. He had some serious battles which he seems to have overcome.  Click Here

Dropped my kid off at her college today.  The Yellow Breeches stream runs through the campus. Click HERE. When leaving the college I snapped this pic. Click HERE.

Watched some hot soccer in some cold weather today.  Click HERE.

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