
Thursday, October 24, 2013


"What do you do with a dog with no legs?"  You take him out for a drag." 
The word JAYUS (from Indonesia) describes this joke.  Click HERE.

Joni gives a word about her friend Billy Graham.  Click HERE.

Read more of HENRI Nouwen's "Return of the Prodigal"  today. 

The author Henri Nouwen puts himself in the place of the lost son, the older brother and the father. 

The chapter I just read called "The Father" opened my heart again to the unconditional love that has been extended to me.  And now God continues to call me to become more like Him so I can love others as He does.  

Also, the side education in the life of Rembrandt renewed my appreciation of European art generally.  This probably made the book more interesting to me, since I have always had an interest in biblical theme paintings.

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