
Saturday, October 26, 2013


Your life’s turning point — whether it happens in an instant or is the culmination of gradual change — could occur tomorrow. Will you be ready for it? Last night I listened to a TED speaker who was forever changed by a major and unexpected turning point, and how he dealt with his profound transformation. Ric Elias only takes 5 minutes to describe what went through his mind as his plane — Flight 1549 — crash–landed in the Hudson River. Click HERE.

I'm reading "The Grace Awakening" by Chuck Swindoll.  Liked this illustration - kinda' long but well worth the read.

P. 50 - Because of grace we have been freed from sin, from its slavery, its bondage in our attitudes, in our urges, and in our actions.  But having been freed and now living by grace, we can actually go too far, set aside all self-control, and take our liberty to such an extreme that we again serve sin.  But that isn't liberty at all, that's license.  And knowing of that possibility, many opt for legalism lest they be tempted to live irresponsibly.  BAD CHOICE. 

I'll never forget the day I came in, flashed my newly acquired permit and said, "Dad, look!"  He goes, "Whoa!  Look at this.  You got your license.  Good for you!"  Holding the keys to has car, he tossed them in my direction and smiled, "Tell you what can have the car for two hours, all on your own."  Only four words but how wonderful: "All on your own".

I thanked him, danced out to the garage, opened the car door and shoved the key into the ignition.  My pulse rate must have shot up to 180 as I backed out of the driveway and roared off.  While cruising along "all on my own" I began to think of wild stuff - like, this car can probably do 100 miles an hour.  But you know what?  I actually drove below the speed limit.  In fact, I remember turning into the driveway early....didn't even stay away two hours. Amazing!  I had my dad's car all to myself - had total freedom - but I didn't go crazy. Why?  My relationship with my dad was so strong that I couldn't, because over a period of time there had developed a sense of trust, a deep love relationship that held me in restraint.

I like the way some saint of old once put it: "Love God with all your heart....then do as you please."  The healthy restraint is in the first phrase, the freedom is in the second.  That's how to live a grace oriented, liberated life.

Traveled to Penn Oaks North field to watch our grandson play great soccer.  Click HERE.

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