
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kindle, Alec Baldwin, Francis Chan, Neil Patrick Harris, M&M, USA and TED Radio

My Kindle and I spent extra time on the treadmill today watching videos ..... 

I watched an Alec Baldwin and David Letterman interview.  Alec always seemed to come across as a hothead, so it was interesting to learn what makes him so crazy.  Interested in watching this interview?  Click HERE

Also watched Francis Chan answer the question "Do I Really Love My Friends?"  Click HERE to view and consider Chan's hard message about the reality of hell.

And the last video for today was Neil Patrick Harris's Opening Monologue for the 2013 Emmys.  Click HERE.

Spent a good chunk of the day completing senior citizen government forms for my mother in law.  When plowing through the required documentation for basic services, you gotta' wonder where this country is headed.  Click HERE for my pic.

At night when I should be sleeping I listen to podcasts, like those found on TED Radio.  Click HERE.  During my evening walk I listened to "Framing the Story".  Tomorrow I will listen to "Predicting The Future" - which describes what's coming in new technology, some to be implemented in less than one decade!   Some people are excited; some are absolutely terrified.

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