
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Library, Ebooks, My Dad, the Future, M&M, Rachael Held Evans

Many hang onto their paper books but I think it is just a matter of time before  everyone makes a complete transition to ebooks. (For the record, I didn't read about this in a paper book, I listened to an electronic podcast that discussed how ebooks are displacing Gutenberg).  I love my library. Click HERE. but it is getting harder and harder to spend time there.  Why?  I'm glad you asked! 

With the Kindle I can not only read books but I can watch videos or listen to podcasts during my daily trek on the treadmill.  Most of the ebooks I have "purchased" recently have been free.  Not just circa 1900 books, but newly released books from incredible authors like Philip Yancey! 

On Tuesday after taking my mom shopping, I took her to Dad's cemetery. Click HERE. Dad served in the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1938 and was then drafted and served in the army from 1941-1945 (during World War II) and after the war graduated Findlay College. I stood outside Polyclinic Hospital just after he died and to this day am convinced his body remains here, but he is very much alive and waiting for us.  No one can take that reality from me.  Check out my comments under the tab strugglin' (above).

During my walk I listened to the NPR podcast TED Radio called Predicting The Future.  Click HERE to listen.  So what might our future look like? And what does it take for an idea about the future to become a reality? This podcast makes some bold predictions and explains how we might live in the future.  At best, this is short term.  As Pastor Bud Reedy said on Sunday, (Click HERE for his sermon) things on this earth will get worse before they get better.  After listening to this exciting and terrifying podcast, I appreciate the hope we have in Christ, the only true solution to our problems.  

On Tuesday, Emily Hogan (M&M) celebrated her 12th birthday.  Click HERE to see a pic of this amazing and pretty granddaughter.  Proud of you M&M!

Interesting comment from Rachael Held Evans blog

Running Heads with “The Danger of Apologetics” 
“The key apologetic for Christianity—far more important than knowing the right answers to hard questions—is love. Communities of faith that embody the kindness of God in cruciform ‘works of love’ are deeply attractive and are themselves evidence (not proof) of the truth of the gospel… Apologetics divorced from lives of love is like a gold ring in the nose of a pig. Apologetics is never just about being right; first and foremost it is about living right.”


  1. Like the apologetic quote. Very much agree with this.

  2. I love you Larry - reading about the love you have for your God, your wife, your kids and grandkids - this love can only come from God - and oh yes, the love you have for your sisters - did i fail to mention that!!

    1. As far back as a teenage I tried to show my sisters love. Don't you recall? As I've gotten older my love has grown, especially for Linda, Patti and Marilyn. Guess I just assume you'all feel this love from your bro. If not, we will be happy to visit with you in Michigan later this week and I will give you a 40 minute brother hug.

      Hope you and the chickens are doing well. Love you Lin.
