
Monday, December 14, 2020


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Purchased 20 Years Ago - (I'm Reading It Again)

Excerpt from this book:

"When my son was just three years old he fell on the fireplace mantle and cut himself above his left eye. I rushed him to the hospital and stayed with him as the nurse put him in a stretcher designed to keep his arms pinned to the side. 

As the doctor began putting stitches in Graham’s head, I almost lost my composure when Graham whimpered, “Please Daddy, he’s hurting me. Make him stop. Please, Daddy, please.”


It broke my heart; I could barely stand up. Graham saw me as his protector, and he wanted to know why I wasn’t protecting him. I was protecting him, of course; only this time, I was protecting him from himself. In the long run, he needed the stitches. I had to let him go through the pain. 


Now, imagine if another man was on the other side of Graham during the stitches, whispering in his ear, “See, Graham, your Dad doesn’t really love you; otherwise, he wouldn’t make you go through all this pain.  If you were my son, I wouldn’t make you go through this.“  


That’s a true spiritual picture of what often happens when we go through difficulties. God knows what is best for us, but our spiritual adversity often tempts us with thoughts that if God really loved us, he would spare us the ordeal. This is shortsighted thinking, and it can be crippling, spiritually, if we pay heed to that lie." 

(Sometimes I have to remind myself, on virtually a daily basis, that God knows best)

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