
Sunday, April 18, 2021


Mom wrote this poem over 70 years ago. 
We cherish our Christian Heritage.

"He came to worship, to the Church of God, Walking the Christian way, which his parents had trod. He was a soldier from a nearby army base; He was gallant in manner, handsome of face.

She had dreamed, she had prayed for a Christian to date, God answered her prayer; it was worth the long wait; There was assurance by both that this was to be, But he had to go overseas and couldn't be free.

A whirl of excitement, good time and great fun, Serious talks of the future, of the plans to be done; A proposal of marriage, an engagement ring, A goodbye, a kiss, tears that did sting.

He went for his country to the South Sea Isles: Their letters went back and forth daily over mies and miles: God protected him there for two and one-half years, Gave peace to him and her and quieted their fears.

Thanksgiving, rejoicing and praise to the Lord! He's coming by train - All aboard! All aboard! Unable to meet him, she was sick in bed, She recovered quickly - and in two weeks they were wed.

The preacher was young, Rev. H. Revere Cook, It was his first wedding and his voice just shook; A wedding reception and love and kisses, Now they were finally Mr. and Mrs. 

A trip by train to meet his brothers, Sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and others, Then on to Miami for a honeymoon sweet, With God as their Head, happiness was complete. 

Still in the service, on to Texas, Fort Hood, She worked as a secretary there - God was good; Just one room to come home to, but they were together, contentment was always being together.

He was Chaplain's Assistant and loved his job, They attended Church of God with a fine youth mob; New Orleans over Christmas, then Alexandria, way down, Biloxi, Mississippi, town after town.

Time spent in the army was now four and one-half years: An Honorable Discharge was given to him and his peers; She was already home, expecting their baby any day, And on September 6, 1945, arrived Marilyn Kay." 

View related post about our dad HERE

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