
Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Gifford Pinchot Park - Boat Mooring Area 1
Last night I heard this comment while listening to a podcast: "you are most like your Creator when you are being creative". The comment made me think about a post from one year ago. (hope the next couple of months go fast, since the pictures make me anxious to visit the gallery again). Check this out..... 

I'm enjoying the newest Philip Yancey book called "Vanishing Grace". He calls chapter three "Soul Thirst" and writes....

"Nature was one of the keys that brought me back to God, for I wanted to know the Artist responsible for both the beauty and the whimsy that I found there. 

When I feel grief over a friend's illness or death, and my world lurches to a stop, instinctively I want to take a long hike as a reminder that the larger world moves on, fiercely beautiful, regardless of any crisis great or small."

Yancey is right. Sometimes it's good to take a hike to remind us Who is still in control. This past summer I took lots of hikes around a local lake, and here are some images I took of the Artist at work.

Gifford Pinchot Park - Off of Quaker Race Trail
Gifford Pinchot Park - Nearby Boat Launch 2
Gifford Pinchot Park - Lakeside Trail
Gifford Pinchot Park - Mason Dixon Trail nearby the dam

In chapter seven Yancey continues to write, "The year he lived in Bolivia, the priest Henri Nouwen saw a popular movie just before Advent. It overwhelmed him. The movie was so filled with images of greed and lust, manipulation and exploitation, fearful and painful sensations, that it filled all the empty spaces that could have been blessed by the spirit of Advent," he said. 

"Spaces need filling". 

I know of a man who learned he was going blind. As his sight began to fail, he booked a plane to Amsterdam and spent a week in the Van Gogh museum. He wanted these images to soak into his brain as his last visual memories." 

“If you want to be reminded of God,  just check out His creation" 

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