
Wednesday, November 25, 2015


We will use Joni's idea tomorrow for our Thanksgiving meal.

Psalm 136 starts off by saying, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever." The entire Psalm is a litany of thanks to God, and a wonderful portion of scripture to recite tomorrow on Thanksgiving Day. So, let's get in the habit... let's get programmed... let gratitude become second nature. 

Tomorrow, before your holiday dinner of turkey and pumpkin pie, plan a special celebration of gratitude with the family—make copies of Psalm 136 and go around the table with each person reading the first part of a verse, then everyone exclaiming the second part in unison, "His love endures forever!" 

This is a great way to make your gratitude second nature... automatic... and definitely from the heart.

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