
Sunday, November 15, 2015


We helped our son and his family move into a farmhouse this weekend that was built during the American Revolutionary War; during the time when York served as the temporary capital of the Continental Congress and before our first president took office. The deed to the property was dated the same year that the Articles of Confederation were ratified in York (1781).

I was reading about families living during this primitive time, and how community and family was such an important part of their survival. And this weekend, more than 230 years later, the legacy was kept alive. 

One of the major challenges was getting a mountain of boxes into the three story farm house. So, about 15 family members; parents, grand kids and grandparents formed a human "assembly line" to pass boxes. The human line stretched from the front yard to the third floor. What would have been a 2-3 hour task turned into a fun hour. (Thanks for the great idea, Tammy!). I hope our country never loses sight of the value and importance of family.

Anyway, I'm gonna' get me a metal detector and pay a visit to what our son's family is calling their 12 acres, "Home in the Hollow".

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