
Monday, November 16, 2015


One of more than 20 Chuck Swindoll books in my library  

Last night I listened to an interesting podcast by Chuck Swindoll, where he talked about his book "Joseph". All of Swindoll's podcasts are accompanied by comprehensive notes which he calls "message mates". Here is a small section of "Joseph" notes...

"You’re only 17 years old, and your siblings throw you into a pit and then sell you as a slave. We can learn four important lessons from Joseph’s experience."
First, no family is exempt from adversity. Every family is unique, but we all have one thing in common—we all have to deal with adversity and family conflict.
Second, no enemy is more subtle than passivity. Most passive parents avoid conflict until one day they explode in anger, propelling their kids toward anger and hatred.
Three, no response is more cruel than jealousy. If we let the seed of jealousy take root in our children, it will uproot family harmony and unity. Parents must weed out negativity in our kids and never forget to water our children with praise when they display positive attitudes. 
Four, no condition is more unfair than slavery. Joseph didn’t deserve to be enslaved and cut off from his family. But God knew exactly where Joseph was, and He was preparing to raise Joseph from the pit of slavery to the pinnacle of power. 
Over the years I've grown to appreciate all of my Swindoll books. They're full of examples of men who have left a wake to follow. What greater memory could we leave to those who love us, than that of a life well-lived like Joseph, full of grace and forgiveness?

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