
Tuesday, October 6, 2015


From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind. 
                                                                                        Psalm 33:13 NIV

Most days I try to read from this little book I got at Ollies. Today's entry is called "The Center of it All", and it made me think of our friends who are on a two month ocean cruise to Europe. When they were in the middle of the ocean, I captured streamed images of the sea and sky horizon from the ship's camera.
"From the middle of an ocean, we get an unusual perspective. Beyond sight of land, the horizon is a straight line between sea and sky, turn a complete circle and the line goes with you. If the sea is calm, the horizon often seems higher, giving us the effect of being at the bottom of a shallow saucer, or perhaps at the focal point of a lens. 
In a world of 7 billion people, it is possible to be entirely alone, both physically and emotionally. Yet each one of us is the focus of God's attention. In his infinite power and love, he sees nothing more important in the universe than individual human beings. That's a sobering thought when we're contemplating a tough choice. But it's an incredibly comforting thought when we're far from a safe harbor."

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