
Sunday, May 3, 2015


A brief encounter with a guy on a bench yesterday made me think about what's been happening in Baltimore. 

There is a park near our house, and my wife and I walk the track daily. Today when we looked ahead a guy was sitting on a bench with a tennis racket, hitting a ball for his dog to retrieve. He saw us approaching and when we got close he hollered "down" to his dog, and instantly the dog collapsed on all four legs and froze. The dog was big, so when we walked by the man we told him we were impressed (and thankful) that his dog listens so well. After we walked by we heard another command "bring it" and the dog immediately ran to the man with the ball. 

We were surprised at the behavior.

The man has obviously spent quality time training his dog and the results were amazing. Maybe this is the key to what's happening in Baltimore. When the kids are on their own with absent fathers and little to no family life ....

I guess we shouldn't be surprised at their behavior.  

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