
Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Regardless of the subject, Sarah Bessey is an incredible writer. Here are some excerpts from her latest blog.

"Years ago, when my grandfather was still alive and they lived in a trailer park community just outside of Regina, there was a playground of old tractor tires at the end of the dirt road and I can still smell it, the mix of hot melting rubber in the Saskatchewan heat and the faint smell of urine from within them because little boys would pee in them, everyone knew that."
"We would pick dandelions from the fields and play in the blinding sunshine, turning brown as beans."
"He smelled like rum and coke with cigarettes and the smell is still a comfort to me because I had never known this tall man with a gravelled voice as anything but laconic and loving." 
"The room was old and small, the chairs were scratchy, the window faced only the early spring streets of Edmonton with winter’s left behind gravel piled in the gutters."

"It’s all so regular, so ordinary, so beautiful."

Click HERE for to read Sarah Bessey's post. 

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