
Sunday, April 26, 2015


Last Friday I posted some comments about a book called "A Certain Risk" by Paul Richardson.

The book was a gift from my mom and this morning my brother found an interview of Paul, the author. The book touches our family, in that Paul headed up a Christian School, as our late brother-in-law Ernie did. And Paul's life has involved some risk, like our sister Patti, and brother-in-law, now living in Jerusalem. 

If you've ever struggled with why God allows tragedy in our lives, it is worth ten minutes to view this interview. (click link at end of this post)

In 1999, Paul and his wife Cyndi were preparing to move their family to Indonesia from California to head up a Christian school when the unthinkable happened. Paul came inside from a swim, moments later he found himself scrambling to find baby Josiah. Their search led them back to the pool and the horror of seeing Josiah at the bottom of it. 
Paul's life journey is captured in these words. 

"Here on the far side of fear is a freedom that most never dream possible—a freedom to go deeper and closer to who you are supposed to be. Like diving into the abyss of the ocean, faith is initially counterintuitive. It defies human nature, which is why it is associated with risk. 

Diving into God is dangerously simple, because His dreams for us are worth giving our lives for. The faith God is holding out for us is one that sets us free to be guided by his voice, to see our world with His eyes and respond with the passions of His heart." 

Check out Paul's interview HERE.

To view last Friday's post click HERE

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