
Monday, February 16, 2015


In a book I'm reading, Chuck Swindoll asks a strange question. Would you like to be a parrot or an eagle thinker?

Parrot people are much different than eagle thinkers. They like to stay in the same cage, pick over the same pan full of seeds, and listen to the same words over and over again until they can say them with ease. They like company too. Lots of attention, a scratch here, a snuggle there, and they'll stay for years right on the same perch. You and I can't remember the last time we saw one fly. Parrots like the predictable, the secure, the strokes they get from their mutual admiration society.

Not eagles. There's not a predictable pinion in their wings! They think. They love to think. They are driven with this inner urge to search, to discover, to learn. And that means they're courageous, tough-minded, willing to ask the hard questions as they bypass the routine in vigorous pursuit of the truth. The whole truth. "The deep things of God"—fresh from the Himalayan heights, where the thin air makes thoughts pure and clear—rather than the tired, worn distillations of humanity. And unlike the intellectually impoverished parrot, eagles take risks getting their food because they hate anything that comes from a small dish of picked-over seeds . . . it's boring, dull, repetitious, and dry.
Which do you say more often?  "Entertain me" or "Make me think"?  

  THE ARTIST'S WAY   By Julia Cameron

At the beginning of the year I was given a book called "The Artist's Way" by a good friend. But it's more than a book. It is a 12 week course on improving creativity and I just completed the seventh week. One of my goals for 2015 will be to improve the design of power point slides for our church. These slides are displayed on large screens to support the sermon. The slide above is one of a series that was used yesterday.

I love creating the slides each week; so much so, if you are reading this and ever need some free sermon graphics, please let me know. Just send me a Facebook message.


This bookstore has 6 floors with over 10,000 books; a bistro on the top floor, a multimedia space in the basement and a gallery dedicated to modern art on the first floor. Click HERE for more information.

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