
Sunday, February 15, 2015


Using Google tracking software, I am tracking my family's progress as they travel back from Florida today. This got me to thinking about all of the live information we use these days.

If I hear a siren, I immediately check York County 911 Live Incident, or listen to my live police scanner software.  Click HERE.
Almost everyday I check in on how the bald eagles are doing by way of the LIVE Nest Cam. Click HERE.
If we don't want to venture out in the cold today, we can watch our church service live HERE. 
I can instantly know how many people are being born and dying this second. Click HERE 
Or if you get the urge you can hear and watch Niagara Falls. Click HERE 
Wonder what this wind is like at Times Square in New York City right now? Click HERE.
And other ways we are using this LIVE technology....
My brother has live cameras in his house, and if someone pulls into his driveway he gets instant live footage of what they are doing, even when he is in Florida. His daughter gets a live image of her baby in the crib on her phone, even if she's not home. 
A sensor in both of our cars tracks every second of our driving, which is sent live to our insurance company. (this gives us a discount on our premiums). 
When we are traveling, an app calculates information about our route, offers alternate routes and notifies us of incidents that are happening both on our route and in the surrounding areas. All LIVE!

And, if you have a camera in your phone or laptop, I can see you reading this blog. Right now. LIVE!

(just kidding)


I got a great idea for the future when I was posting today's blog. 

My friend Steve is an avid deer hunter. He goes out at a ridiculous time in the middle of the cold night and climbs 40 feet into a tree stand. And waits. And waits. And waits. 

In my mind, I see a LIVE camera attached to a drone owned by Steve. He gets up at 9 am and takes his time eating eggs and drinking coffee. Later in the morning he drives to the woods. While in his warm truck, he launches a drone and then watches his phone. When he sees a deer, he drives close by, hops out and shoots the little deer. And then finishes his coffee. Life is good. 

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