
Monday, January 26, 2015


When our granddaughter Summertime reaches my age, there may be an alert implant that tells her when to get a checkup. That idea came to me when I looked at my truck dashboard yesterday and it might sound far fetched, but you may want to take a minute to review a TedTALK that describes an even more bizarre technology prediction.

Summertime "CHECK YOUR ENGINE" (Click pic to enlarge)
This is a quote from a TedTALK called "A 30 year history of the future"....
"So my prediction is that we are going to ingest information. You're going to swallow a pill and know English. You're going to swallow a pill and know Shakespeare. 

And the way to do it is through the bloodstream. So once it's in your bloodstream, it basically goes through it and gets into the brain, and when it knows that it's in the brain, it deposits it in the right places."

If you can find 20 minutes, click HERE to view this (absurd? brilliant?) talk.

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