
Tuesday, January 27, 2015


A Well Rested Noah showing his stuff on the Soccer Field for Dover 
Yesterday I shared technology that our granddaughter may enjoy in the future. Today I asked our grandson Noah to share an example of technology he uses today, and what he shared may be the reason he does well in school and sports. 

His description makes yesterday's post not so farfetched.

Noah says, "I use a very unique and interesting alarm app that tracks my sleep, and then wakes me up at the best time, so I feel relaxed and energized for the day ahead." 

"How it works is not very complicated." (Right Noah, I heard this before).

"It uses a built in "accelerometer" in my iPhone to track my movements during the night, and monitors my movements to determine what phase of sleep I'm in. 

It tracks my sleep until morning, and then takes 30 minutes to wake me. Say I set my alarm for 6:00 to 6:30. The app tracks my sleep during the 30-minute time window until it sees I am in the lightest phase of sleep, and only then wakes me up with a soothing alarm. The app also lets me take notes of what I did before bed, which shows me why I slept badly, or what helped me sleep well. This is how it got it's name - Sleep Cycle.

Papa, sometime soon I will send you more information about other technology I use. You know, stuff that didn't exist when you were my age." 

Thanks for sharing Noah. Hope you can plug in a "two-hour delay" for snow days like today.

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