
Monday, October 20, 2014


On it's one year birthday, this blog has enjoyed 20,500 hits. 

During this past year, the blog has provided a simple way to stay connected with family and friends by sharing stories, photos and videos. This is important, since our immediate family is scattered around the world....Atlanta, Minnesota, Grand Rapids, Tampa, Israel, France, England. A few weeks ago our niece said she was reading this blog during a layover in London, which reminded me how easy it is to access this information.   

The most popular postings during 2014 are shown on the right side. Readers also use the "search this blog" bar just above the popular posts listings to find a previous post.  

In addition to my paper and electronic books, I now have a long list of other blogs that offer insight into interesting people's lives.  Here are just a few:

Click HERE for a blog by Will and Esther Moore from Bath, England.
Click HERE for a blog by Sarah Bessey on the west coast of Canada.
Click HERE for a blog by James Emery White in North Carolina. 
Click HERE for a blog by our niece Jill in Atlanta.
Click HERE for a blog by Adam Rosenfeld in Jerusalem, Israel. 

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