
Saturday, August 16, 2014


Technology Advances 

There have been amazing technology innovations in 2014.  Here are just some I was reading about today.

BETTER SLEEP - If you are looking for a bed buddy, check out this new app.  Just put your phone loaded with this app on the bed next to you and it can tell when you enter deep sleep, if you toss and turn, and how long you sleep. Then it gives you colorful charts with the results and grades your overall sleep quality.  Once Sleep Cycle Alarm has this information, it can wake you up at just the right time each morning so you're feeling refreshed.  (What else does my phone know about me, and what is it posting on google?)

INSTANT DELIVERY - In this age of instant gratification, waiting days for internet purchases to arrive suddenly seems very 2013. So next year Amazon will be stepping up their effort to deliver goods on the same day they’re bought, even if that day’s a Sunday.  What's next?  Amazon is planning to offer unmanned drones that will bring products to our door within half-an-hour. (wonder if this will only be on products costing $40,000,00 or more?) 

INSTANT TRANSLATION or in Japanese  インスタント翻訳 - One of the biggest obstacles to travel is the language barrier. A new app can translate 80 languages just by speaking into your phone. This means that we can now travel to the Caribbean, Europe, much of Asia, major parts of Africa, the Middle East and even countries in the South Pacific like Indonesia.  (This assumes you have money left to travel after spending it on new smart phones and apps)

MOSQUITO REPELLENT - Mosquitoes are a fact of life in many parts of the country, including Dover, PA.  When we have a back yard picnic we just need to deal with them, right?  Not now.  A new app produces a unique, high-frequency sound that keeps mosquitoes and other bugs away. The human ear can't hear the frequency, so it won't bother you.  (I've programmed my phone to send all of our mosquitoes in Dover to Lisburn, PA.) 

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