
Monday, August 25, 2014


Today's local headline triggered a memory.

This morning my email notification sounded as I was reading an on-line story about the Susquehanna River claiming another life.  I clicked to GMail and saw I had received an invitation to another retirement celebration, this time for a guy I worked with decades ago at Borg Warner Corporation in York, PA.  He is packing it in after 50 years on the job.  

So what does another retirement celebration have to do with another body found?  I'm glad you asked!  About 40 years ago my wife and I were water skiing on the Susquehanna River with the guy who has an upcoming retirement celebration.  

I remember that during our time on the river my wife got caught in a strong current and began to drift pretty far away from the boat. Knowing how unforgiving this river can be my wife's sister jumped from the boat and after some time and a struggle, helped get my wife back on board. 

As I thought back on that afternoon I realized we take a lot of things for granted in this life. My wife and I will soon celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary.  We continue to appreciate and enjoy our 3 adult children and our 11 incredible grandchildren.  None of this would exist if that day on the Susquehanna had turned out differently.  I am feeling blessed today.

To view previous posts on this blog about my experiences while on the Susquehanna River click HERE and HERE.

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