
Thursday, July 3, 2014


Our son in law Allen owns the trademark "Don't Worry, Be Happy"

Today I was thinking about how that phrase plays out in almost everything in life.  It is easy to get caught in the trap of worry about jobs, family relationships, money; all of which can suck happiness right out of life.  

But during retirement another inevitable event can crowd out happiness.  That event is called death.  Personally I have come to believe that the best way to not worry about death is to be certain that you are spiritually prepared for eternity. (see link below)  

But while we are living, I am convinced good planning for death will alleviate a lot of worry.  One site that has been very helpful to me can be found by clicking HERE.   If you drill down through this site, it covers just about everything you need to plan a good "end of life". 

By the way, our daughter Melody helped design the "Don't Worry, Be Happy" website, where some of our grand kids are featured. Click HERE.  

Click HERE for why it is important to be prepared for eternity.  

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