
Saturday, June 28, 2014


When Charlie leaned over the side of his fishing boat, his false teeth fell into the water. He never thought that he'd see them again, however, three months later another fisherman found the dentures inside the stomach of a large fish.  Keep that thought in mind.

While at the lake today I was told by a hiker that you can get a lifetime trout stamp in Pennsylvania.  So later in the day I pulled out my fly rods and camera, picked up a trout stamp and planned a trip to the picturesque Yellow Breeches creek. (see picture below)  

So why the story about Charlie?    

You see, a couple of years ago while kayaking over the "raging" Yellow Breeches rapids, I got turned sideways and ended up under water. When I came back to the surface I grabbed the kayak and my composure and realized that my really nice glasses were still on the bottom of the stream, forever gone.

But maybe not.  

Now that I am planning to catch trout in the same stream, I may experience the same good fortune as Charlie.  Here's hoping that the trout I catch will be wearing some really nice glasses.

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