
Thursday, April 3, 2014


It's easy to believe this newspaper headline if we listen to the news that's reported these days.  But if we dig a little, it's not too hard to find good news about the future.  Anyway, I began to question this headline today when I was viewing a video by Jimmy Kimmel.  Check this out....

UNBELIEVABLE was the only word I could think of after viewing this 6 year old in action.  The kid has instant recall and if there are many more like him around, our world is going to be OK.  Click HERE to view.

"I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT THE FUTURE" is a quote by former President Clinton.  Many argue that he is a horrible role model for the next generation, but I appreciate his positive attitude about young people and their role in the political process. Click HERE to view his 3 minute conversation; again, with Jimmy Kimmel.

THE WHOLE WORLD IS GOING TO HELL? - Not the whole world!  The number of Christians around the world has nearly quadrupled in the last 100 years.  Today in China 35,000 people EVERY DAY accept Jesus as the Divine Son of God and put Him in control of their lives.  These people now have confidence in this promise:  "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "they are plans of good and not of disaster, to give you a future and hope."

MASTERPIECES IN PROGRESS is a good description of our 11 grandchildren.  I could go on and on about these kids, but they give me confidence that the world is going to be just fine when kids like them are in charge.

"I HAVE A POSITIVE VISION" is a quote by Larry Page, CEO of Google, when he was asked to describe the future.  I recapped his TED TALK in my posting yesterday. (scroll down a little to yesterday's posting) 

BONO offers good news about poverty.  Click HERE for this great TED TALK.

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