
Sunday, April 13, 2014


Before the La Cross game today my wife and I found some shade and had a picnic lunch.  Since I had my Kindle with me, we watched a TED TALK together. 

Speaking at TED when Billy Graham was 80 years old, he marvels at technology's power to improve lives and change the world.  I was impressed that after all these years, he has not
wavered from his mission - regardless of the audience.

In fact, through humor and illustration, he tailored his talk to the basic needs of the techies at this conference.  Billy Graham is an amazing communicator; witty, articulate, and convicting.

His basic message was simple: technology brings amazing benefits to humanity, but it’s failure to alleviate the brokenness of the human heart ultimately point us to our need for a Savior.  What we appreciated most about his talk was that Graham did not give it to a church audience who would immediately agree with him. Instead in his audience was some of the greatest technological minds ever gathered, many of whom are no friends of religion.

If you haven't seen this TED TALK, click HERE to view.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many goofy evangelists on TV. Billy Graham's life speaks for itself. What a legacy!
