
Monday, April 14, 2014


This November Philip Yancey will release a new book called Vanishing Grace: Whatever Happened to the Good News?  Recently Philip spent a week in Grand Rapids filming a video series on the new book and made some interesting observations:

  • There’s a lot of standing around in film production. 
  • The challenge is to seem natural in an equipment-crammed setting that is glaringly artificial.
  • At least you’re not alone. Our low-budget production team employed eight to ten people to manage three cameras, lights, sound, sets, and a teleprompter, not to mention a director and producer. 
  • Men ought to pause at least once a month and give thanks that society doesn’t expect us to wear makeup.
  • Filming runs according to Murphy’s Law. 
  • Look for skinnier cameramen in the future.

Click HERE to read his post.

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