
Wednesday, March 12, 2014


TIME CHANGE - There are two cats at our house that belong to my wife and daughter. For whatever reason(s) they don't like me and I don't particularly care for them.  Anyway, I noticed something was different last Sunday.  At 6am everyday (almost to the minute) they start their loud meows to wake up the humans. (Sometimes I wonder if they are related to a rooster).  If my wife doesn't wake up they jump onto the bed.  

As I said this takes place every single morning.  Until last Sunday.  No meows, no jumping.  And then it hit me.  Cats are dumb.  They had no idea we moved our clocks ahead one hour. 

Life is good.

NO LONGER A SLUMDOG is a tough book to read.  "Those with no voice - the suffering children of Asia - tell their story"  The forward was written by Francis Chan and I was taken back by this quote by Daniel Berrigan:  "Sometime in your life, hope that you might see one starved man, the look on his face when the bread finally arrives. Hope that you might have baked it or bought or even kneaded it yourself.  For the look on his face, for your meeting his eyes across a piece of bread, you might be willing to lose a lot, or suffer a lot, or die a little, even.

Books like this are almost impossible to process.  What do you do after reading this description of a little boy, half naked, lying on a sidewalk of a busy street in India?  Next to the boy was a dog.  "Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a female dog, and the little boy was actually sucking her milk.  The dog had become his mother as the little boy tried to survive on his own."

PHILIP YANCEY - "We have only the stubborn hope, so different from naïve optimism, that the story of Jesus, which includes both death and resurrection gives a bright clue to what God will do for the entire planet." (from The Question That Never Goes Away)

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