
Friday, January 3, 2014


"JOY- Our daughter, Melody, has worked hard this year as a senior at Messiah College. 

What a difference 20 years makes!  The picture to the left shows a drawing she did for me when she was a little kid.  Compare that to her artwork, books, charcoal, film, meditations, portraits, typography and web design.  Click HERE for "JOY"

IMPOSSIBLE PHOTOGRAPHY - Erik Johansson creates realistic photos that capture ideas, not moments. In this witty how-to, Erik describes the principles he uses to make these fantastical scenarios come to life. Click HERE for his website and HERE for his 6 minute TED TALK.

STORYLINE -Top blog posts in 2013

1. This is What Forgiveness Looks Like by Justin Zoradi
2. How to Get Along with an Introvert
3. Great Kids Have Parents Who Seem To Do This Well
4. The Story You’re Believing May Be a Lie
5. Why Most Twenty Somethings are Delusional
6. The Single Defining Characteristic of a Manipulator
7. How To Spot a Manipulative Church Leader
8. Does the Pro-Life Movement Need a New Strategy?
9. What Jesus Taught Me About Walking Away From People
10. Why I Quit Being Nice by Allison Vesterfelt

ODE TO FORGETFULNESS - Lose your glasses and keys a lot? You'll recognize yourself in Mack's hilarious song. Click HERE.

DAFFY - Someone sent me this.  I rarely play games on the computer but this one is worth a try or two.  You try to release Daffy's parachute - just at the right time so he can hit the target on the ground.  Click HERE.

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