
Monday, December 9, 2013


SMOKY MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS was the name of our church musical yesterday.  One of the lines that caught my attention was "even if you don't have something material to give at Christmas, you can always give love"  This line reminded me about a book I read some time ago with a group of guys that I meet with weekly.  What guys?  Click HERE.  

What book?  In the book "A Resilient Life" Gordon MacDonald says "resilient people overflow with gratitude".  The musical and the book gave me a plan for this Christmas season. What's my plan?  I'll tell you but first let's look at how Gordon describes gratitude ....

GRATITUDE is coming back to the scene of the event and acknowledging what has happened and who made it happen.  It is what the resilient person does as he sweeps his memory for recent and not-so-recent events where there is a need for saying thank you.

I love Gordon's comment "recent and not-so-recent".  This Christmas season I am intentionally going to find some time to "sweep my memory" for "events" where I never said thank you.  Gonna' pass out some Christmas love in the form of gratitude.  I think I will start by thanking some of the people who invested time in the musical.  And then I will send a message to Gordon MacDonald, the author of the book, and......

Aren't musicals and books great?  They are, but recently I appreciate YouTube videos almost as much.  Check this out....

POWER OF SAYING THANK YOU - Here is 5 minute video that describes a simple way to deepen a friendship, to repair a bond, to make sure another person knows what they mean to you. ....Click HERE

More posts later today.....(gotta' go shovel some snow)

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