
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Round the Clock, Far Side, David Letterman and NPR

Each Friday I meet with three friends (Steve Voorhees, Bud Reedy and Jeff Callender) at Round the Clock restaurant in York, PA.  Our waitress (Karen) puts up with our craziness and animated conversation, which causes more than a little disruption for those attempting a quiet breakfast. 

Yesterday morning we were trying to recall Far Side cartoons.  The cartoonist, Gary Larson sees life a tad different than most of us.  Until our breakfast discussion yesterday, I had no idea that William Tell had an older brother.  Click HERE.

Anyway, after our breakfast I made my daily trek to the local YMCA where I usually watch videos on my Kindle Fire while doing the treadmill.  This is usually one of the highlights of my day.  Yesterday I think some of the jocks were a tad uncomfortable when I was laughing out loud while watching a David Letterman interview.  You might want to find a private place to view this.  Click HERE.  

During my evening walk I listed to a fascinating podcast from NPR Fresh Air.  Imagine being able to access the Internet through the contact lenses on your eyeballs. Blink, and you'd be online. Meet someone, and you'd have the ability to immediately search their identity. And if your friend happens to be speaking a different language, an instantaneous translation could appear directly in front of you.  That might sound farfetched, but it's something that might very well exist in 30 years or less, says theoretical physicist Michio Kaku.  If you have a little time click HERE to find out how we will live in 2100. 

OK, gotta' run.  Need to finish sermon notes for church services tomorrow. Check out samples of my sermon notes under the tab "churchin' (above)

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