
Saturday, December 14, 2013


No time to post on this snowy Saturday....just a couple of family pics.

DOVER - We got about 4" of snow in PA on Saturday.  Click HERE.

SNOW - Two thirds of the world's people have never seen snow.  Guess we should be thankful?  This one's for you TT. 

COLORADO - My brother and some of his family are in Colorado today.  They haven't gotten as much snow as Dover, PA - and the high in Denver today will reach 50 degrees.  Click HERE.

BABY - Steve is a good friend and his son's wife had a baby today.  This will make Steve a grandfather for the first time.  Happy for him and the entire family.  Click HERE.

LAND ROVERS - Seventy percent of Land Rovers, first built in 1948, are still on the road today.  Our daughter learned to drive in a Land Rover we had a few years ago.  Notice I said had.  Remember the stop sign Melody?  Click HERE.

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