
Wednesday, December 25, 2013


HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Jesus, we thank you that the joy of Christmas today is not found in the presents, but in your presence.  We are glad you moved into our neighborhood. 

WALL TO WALL GRANDKIDS - We feel blessed today to have 11 elves in our sleigh.  Click HERE.

JONI writes about "Christmas Anticipation" in her devotional today... "When I was a child, and after I opened up my gifts on Christmas morning, I always looked for something more. Not more presents, but a deeper, nostalgic kind of “more.” It wasn’t unusual for me to leave my gifts, go up to my room, and lean on the window sill to gaze longingly beyond the field of snow outside. What was I looking for? Jesus had come. What more could there be? Why did I feel this mysterious pull to get away, go beyond and somehow step into the other side of Christmas?"   Read the rest of her comments HERE.

CHRISTMAS SONGS - Try testing your knowledge about Christmas songs.  Maybe get some help from your Christmas guests!  After clicking "HERE" below push "play game" and you will have 5 minutes to type in the rest of the song in the box "enter answer"  Just type the rest of any of the song titles - you don't have to go in order.  It's easy but to get them all during the time allowed is a challenge.  Click HERE.

A CHRISTMAS APOLOGY - by Sarah Held Evans for CNN today.  Great read as you reflect on the birthday of one called Jesus....

Even as a lifelong Christian, I struggle with doubts about God. I struggle to make sense of the violence in the world, the violence in the Bible, the violence in my own heart. I don’t have all the answers.

But even when there’s nothing left to my faith but a little seed of hope, that hope is in the incarnation, in the radical teaching that God loved us enough to become like us, and that when God wanted to show us what he was like, God showed us Jesus.  Click HERE for more.

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