
Wednesday, December 18, 2013


FACIAL SURGEON Iain Hutchison works with people whose faces have been severely disfigured. By pushing to improve surgical techniques, he helps to improve their lives; and by commissioning their portraits, he celebrates their humanity. NOTE: This talk contains images of disfigured and badly injured faces that may be disturbing -- and Hutchison provides thoughtful answers as to why a disfigured face can shock us so deeply. Squeamish? Hide your screen from 12:10 - 13:19, but do keep listening. I view this TED TALK while on the treadmill today.  Click HERE. (17 minutes)

CHRISTIAN HIP is the term my favorite author calls a new genre of books that were published in 2013. Move over John Stott, Chuck Colson, and Max Lucado.  Click HERE for more details.

Losing Your Faith, Finding Your Soul: The Passage to New Life When Old Beliefs Die  -     By: David Anderson
    The Invisible Girls: A Memoir   

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