
Friday, November 1, 2013


"Come Before Winter" is an interesting book written by Charles Swindoll.  The book is full of stories and illustrations, like this one:

A small bottle sat upon the desk of Sir Osler. Sitting before him was a class full of young, wide-eyed medical students.  The subject of the lecture that day was the art of observation.  To emphasize his point, he announced:

“This bottle contains a urine sample for analysis. It’s often possible by tasting it to determine the disease from which the patient suffers, if we observe details.”

He then dipped a finger into the fluid and brought it into his mouth. He continued speaking:

“Now I am going to pass the bottle around. Each of you please do exactly as I did. Perhaps we can learn the importance of this technique and diagnose the case.”

The bottle made its way from row to row, each student gingerly poking his finger in and bravely sampling the contents with a frown.  Dr. Osler then retrieved the bottle and startled his students by saying:

“Gentlemen, now you will understand what I mean when I speak about details. Had you been observant, you would have seen that I put my INDEX FINGER in the bottle but my MIDDLE FINGER into my mouth!”

I’m certain those students never forgot that lesson and neither should you!

Speaking of paying attention, When a train pulls into a station in New York City, subway conductors in the middle cars usually point at a little black-and-white sign on the platform to prove that they're paying attention. (It's not completely clear how this proves they're paying attention to anything other than that sign, but rules are rules.) Grateful subway riders decided to brighten the drivers' day with a few funny, well-placed signs that brought a little laughter to an otherwise boring task. They'll brighten your day, too.  Click HERE.

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