
Tuesday, November 12, 2013


LEFTY - After going to the toilet Muslims wipe with their left hand??!?  Left handed politicians have an advantage?  Why??!?  And why do parrots use their left claw??!?  Want answers to these and other questions?  Click HERE for a cool little video.

DON'T GIVE UP - You feeling discouraged?  DON'T GIVE UP!  You have no idea what will happen if you just keep pushing.  Take 1 minute to view this video.  It may change your life. Click HERE.

CONCEPTION TO BIRTH VISUALIZED - "If the baby continues to grow at the rate during the first 45 days from conception, it will weigh 1.5 tons at birth".  I've become a fan of watching TED TALKS while on the treadmill, and today heard a YALE intellectual offer no other explanation than "Divine" when trying to explain what happens in a women's body during the 9 months before birth.  "Conception to Birth Visualized" is 9 minutes long but well worth viewing. Click HERE.  Amazing!

SNOW - It's that time of year for the white stuff.  A few flurries early today, but I'm remembering the 2010 blizzard in Dover, PA.  Click HERE.

CAMPOLO - Reading "The Life You Always Wanted" by John Ortberg.... check out this funny story about Tony Campolo's encounter with a hitchhiker. Click HERE.

YANCEY - With all of the public bickering between today's theologians, you gotta' wonder what God thinks.  Today I read this excerpt from Philip Yancey's book "What's So Amazing About Grace" 

“Having spent time around "sinners" and also around purported saints, I have a hunch why Jesus spent so much time with the former group: I think he preferred their company. Because the sinners were honest about themselves and had no pretense, Jesus could deal with them. In contrast, the saints put on airs, judged him, and sought to catch him in a moral trap. In the end it was the saints, not the sinners, who arrested Jesus.”

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