
Sunday, October 13, 2013


Based on the last couple of posts in our pastor's blog, (click HERE) it is wise to allow some time to pass before we evaluate important life issues.  Or better yet, we would do ourselves a favor if we intentionally visualize the end of the story - even while the story is being played out. 

This truth smacked me in the face today when I was helping our daughter document some of the senior projects she has completed since her freshman year.  (she's an honors student at Messiah College). 

Which got me to thinking.  I think my wife and I have been so obsessed with daily issues during Melody's college experience that we missed how much she has accomplished during the last 4 years!  The summary of her college projects is absolutely incredible. 

Sometimes we miss a miracle happening before our very eyes.

While on the treadmill today I watched a YouTube video called  "A Muslim confronts Ravi Zacharias in Regards to Christianity."  Video quality isn't good but the message is spot on.  I was impressed by the gracious way the Muslim asked the questions and as usual, Ravi's thoughtful answer.  Click HERE.

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