
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Conversations, Mom, Amish, Leaves, Adam, Flood

Today was a great day for conversations......

Actually listened to a podcast today called "Necessary Conversations" between adult children and their aging parents.  It included suggestions for discussing finances, medical care, driving, and living arrangements—before the crises hit. Interesting!  Click HERE

My wife and I visited with my mom today and had some great conversation.  See her picture under the tab procreatin' (above)  As usual, we reminisced about many things, including a painting we gave her almost 20 years ago.  The painting is called "Sunday Morning at Sleepy Hollow. (a real place in New York state).  Click HERE.  Two years ago we took her to the actual church.  Click HERE.

Mom's library is filled with books about the Amish like this. HERE  My wife and I have a trip planned to Lancaster, PA during the weekend of 10/11-12.  We have tickets to the American Music Theatre and the next day will take a buggy ride that is operated by the Amish.  We will be celebrating our 44th wedding anniversary.

The leaves are really starting to change in PA.  Took this picture at my brothers place today.  Click HERE.

Got a message today from my nephew-in-law, Adam Rosenfeld who lives in Israel.  It is his birthday today.....and this was his "conversation" in response to birthday greetings.....

"Thanks bros and sis' for all the birthday greetings - you know what God's gift to me today was?  Freedom from condemnation.  Turns out He gave it to me a long, long time ago.  It just took a long, long time for me to unwrap it". 

Our pastor's upcoming sermon principle this week will focus on the gift of "productivity"  Adams comment is so true.  Much of what God has given to us has been available for some time, but sometimes life gets in the way and we don't unwrap His gift. 

The sermon series at our church encourages us to LiveReady for whatever comes next.  If it is a flood that comes next, I am ready!  Click HERE

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