
Monday, September 30, 2013

The Glasses, What Matters Most, Devo Summary, Special Song.

Busy day but wanted to post a video that I watched while on the treadmill at the Y today.  You cannot watch this 5 minute video called "the glasses" without laughing.  Some didn't like Seinfeld, but I always loved the show. Click HERE

Found this quote a long time ago, but I think it pretty much sums up how I want to live my life.  Click HERE

Summary of my morning devo on YouVersion

"East and west can never meet. This is a symbolic portrait of God's forgiveness-when he forgives our sin, he separates it from us and doesn't even remember it. We need never wallow in the past, for God forgives and forgets. We tend to dredge up the ugly past, but God has wiped our record clean. If we are to follow God, we must model his forgiveness. When we forgive another, we must also forget the sin. Otherwise, we have not truly forgiven".

Was listening again to my song today.  Click HERE to watch and listen. (see the details about this song in my 9-23-2013 posting.

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