
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Churchin, Seay Hit By SUV, Morning Devos, M&M

I think it is odd for people to say they want to follow Christ but don't want to be part of a local church.  Check out my comments under the tab "churchin" (above) 

It was a moving service at Stillmeadow today as Sue Cox sang a song called "Cling".  Her voice is beautiful and she always chooses the best songs! I think Sue sounded at least as good as the original artist Shannon Wexelberg - who sings the same song HERE. Click to listen ... be sure to absorb the words. 

Pastor Bud's sermon series continued the focus on being prepared for whatever comes next.  I had no idea that within an hour of his sermon I would experience a timely illustration of the importance of this issue.  It happened during my daily treadmill routine at the YMCA where I watched a video by Pastor Chris Seay.  In the video Chris explained that something totally unexpected happened in his life. Here is a summery of what he said...

" I was walking down the sidewalk, holding hands with and enjoying my two kids.  We were sharing stories and laughing together on our way to get Chinese food. All of a sudden out of nowhere an SUV lost control, left the road and without braking slammed into the three of us.  I was thrown onto the hood and literally broke the windshield with my body."   

I'm going to try to find out how he is doing later today.  It's true, without warning our lives can be changed...... or ended.

For some time early in the morning I have been either reading or listening to the YouVersion devotional.  Click HERE

Proud of our granddaughter Emily Hogan (M&M).  Tonight she was honored for her achievement in Stairway to the Stars program.  I took some pictures of her before the ceremony HERE.  The ceremony was special - click HERE.  Some of our other grandkids got awards as well.  Click HERE.

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