
Monday, September 19, 2022


"When the hot sun of reality beat down on Saul, his heart hardened like clay. When it beat down on David, his heart melted like butter." This quote was taken from the book "Finding the Heart to Go On" by Lynn Anderson. It is a book about David's tender heart toward God...."In his humble years with the sheep, David became teachable. 

Years ago, the author Lynn Anderson was pastor of a small church that is mentioned in the forward of the book. I was surprised by the name of the person who snuck into the church while Lynn was preaching. Here's a condensed version of the forward of the book..... 

"I went to church that Sunday more out of obligation than inspiration. I arrived late, walked in unnoticed and found a seat near the back of the auditorium. I intended to sneak out before the conclusion. As a college freshman, my interests were more in sowing wild oats than knowing God's word. Yet that night, God's Word would be sown in my heart like never before". 

It was surprising to learn that this college freshman was none other than Max Lucado, who now is the author of over 100 books with 130 million copies in print. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I don't recall reading this before. From a humble, perhaps careless, beginning comes greatness!
    Thank you Max

