
Tuesday, February 2, 2021


"Moses spent his first 40 years thinking he was somebody. He spent his second 40 years learning he was a nobody. He spent his third 40 years discovering what God can do with a nobody."

"Listen carefully. Read slowly. Coming to the Red Sea is just as much a part of His plan as crossing it. It may well be that the Lord is breaking a habit born in Egypt, a habit that has no business living in Canaan. During this time, God becomes very significant and real. And we realize, at last, that a predicament in Gods hands is only a highway to the Promised land."


  1. We just finished reading the book of Exodus today. Wow!! What a powerful account to the testament of what God will do for his people. Yet when the Israelites made it out of Egypt that started to doubt and question him.... saying “you brought us out of Egypt to starve in the desert.” Reading this made me angry and confused. How could annoy one doubt the Lord after all he had done for his children?? And then it hit me. How often do we all do this in our lives... we stress and worry about the future or question when things don’t go the way we want them to. Yet, God has always provided for us! His plan is greater than what we could ever imagine.

    Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day!

  2. We just finished reading the book of Exodus today. Wow!! What a powerful account to the testament of what God will do for his people. Yet when the Israelites made it out of Egypt that started to doubt and question him.... saying “you brought us out of Egypt to starve in the desert.” Reading this made me angry and confused. How could annoy one doubt the Lord after all he had done for his children?? And then it hit me. How often do we all do this in our lives... we stress and worry about the future or question when things don’t go the way we want them to. Yet, God has always provided for us! His plan is greater than what we could ever imagine.

    Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day!
