
Thursday, January 19, 2017


Parking lot of Dover Community Center Track 

“We can complain because a rose bush has thorns, or rejoice because a thorn bush has roses.” Abraham Lincoln 

On this day two years ago, just before dawn, we enjoyed [- 4] degree weather while on the track. And to take our mind off of the wind and low temps, my wife and I spent each lap counting our blessings. At the top of our list were thermal jackets and scarfs, which kept us from freezing. About 2 miles into our trek, our focus shifted away from the cold.

Anyway, our conversation eventually turned to our country, which we agreed is a mess. It seems the only certainty - is an uncertain future. But we also agreed that those are thorns over w
hich we have no control. We know the issues are real, but we try to keep them in perspective, or you could say, a little bit out of focus. 
So we "rejoiced because thorn bushes have roses". That (and the jackets) made us feel very warm. 

By the way, at the top of our list of blessings was faith in the One who has control over the world mess - and knows the future. His words come to our mind a lot lately, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself". 

Fast forward from two years ago to Thursday, January 19, 2017. The YMCA fitness center was empty today, except for me on the treadmill. And when I did a quick search on my Kindle, the Brooklyn Tab choir came up. One of the selections that caught my attention was "The Man", since our church choir sang this (under the direction of Pastor Kevin Mays).

It was electric to see so much passion and diversity in the Brooklyn Tab choir. These people are roses in a city of thorns. Surely the choir is a picture of what it will be like in Heaven. At the end of the song I said out loud, (no one was there) "I can't wait to see Jesus!" 

Before you think me talking out loud in an empty room is weird, first listen to the video below and see what you end up saying out loud wherever you are. 

Brooklyn Tab was great, almost as good as our church Choir.

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