
Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Rumors of Another World 

reads like a conversation and invites those skeptical of religion and turned off by the church to consider the possibility of an unseen, supernatural world coexisting with our visible world.  

This book is not unlike most by Yancey; it takes a lifetime to process his words.  Having said that, the following are a couple of personal notes from my first reading. These notes are from chapters one and two.

P. 13  "More than 10 million people have viewed the exhibition known as Body World. (actual human bodies stripped away to reveal their inner parts, a display of cadavers in an eerily lifelike pose)"  Using a series of examples from his visit to Body World, Yancey concludes: "Many people in societies advanced in technology go about their daily lives assuming God does not exist."  He ends the chapter with a quote from T.S. Eliot:

  Endless invention, endless experiment,
  Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness...
  Where is the Life we have lost in living?
  Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? 

P. 31  "A Society that denies the supernatural usually ends up elevating the natural to supernatural status."  Yancey starts this chapter with a quote from W.H. Auden:
  Behind the corpse in the reservoir, behind the ghost on the links,
  Behind the lady who dances and the man who madly drinks
  Under the look of fatigue, the attack of migraine and the sigh
  There is always another story, there is more than meet the eye.

Some answers to our questions will come when we take Yancey's advice given at the end of this book... 

"In the life of faith, we no longer judge God and his kingdom through worldly eyes but, instead, view this visible world in the light of God."   
Look for more notes from chapters 3 & 4 in tomorrow's posting.

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