
Thursday, October 13, 2016


China on course to become "World's Most Christian Nation" within 15 years"

After reading this headline today I thought about our country's unrest during the last few months - and the potential of chaos after next month's election. 

Mao Tse-tung, Former Chairman of the Communist Party of China, saw chaos as positive, In fact, he said this about China, "Everything is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent.” But fifty years later, what he hoped to accomplish in China backfired.....
After Mao Tse-tung ordered the burning all religious materials from the libraries and the seminaries he said, "Now the last vestiges of any belief in God are finished, never to haunt China again."
Mao Tse-tung has come and gone. 

But the church in China is now the fastest growing in the world today. The number of Christians in Communist China is growing so steadily that by 2030 it could have more churchgoers than America. 

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