
Monday, October 10, 2016


10-6-2016 Grandparents Day at Messiah College Chapel

These days as grandparents, we often find ourselves in the balcony of life cheering on our twelve grandkids. Last Thursday was one of those days of family joy; this time at Messiah College supporting our oldest grandson. After a continental breakfast we observed what a stressed out college kid hears when they walk into the chapel....

Morning by morning I wake up to find
The power and comfort of God's hand in mine
Season by season I watch Him, amazed
In awe of the mystery of His perfect ways
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He's always been faithful to me.

I can't remember a trial or a pain
He did not recycle to bring me gain
I can't remember one single regret
In serving God only, and trusting His hand
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He's always been faithful to me.

Not the typical message kids hear at colleges these days. The speaker in chapel went on to urge the students to cut through the many voices that try to define them, and remember they are redeemed by God - that's who they really are. He also encouraged them to take a deep breath and enjoy living in God's creation. 

After chapel we walked through the campus paths of God's creation to the covered bridge, where we took some pictures. 

Proud Grandparents with the college kid
Our daughter (the professor) with her two sons
We are really proud of our grandson, and are grateful to be around to watch him prepare to change the world. 

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