
Thursday, September 1, 2016


While on the track I listened to a fascinating discussion about significant changes in China. I thought the comments were interesting; so much so I printed a quick map, stuck a nail into China and took this picture. The quote summarizes the reason China is undergoing such a dramatic change.   

The podcast featured an interview with the author of this book. Since it wasn't possible to write anything down while on the track, I found a great review written by Kyle Barton. Here is just a snapshot of his review.
"When Christianity was legalized again in 1980, the 4 million Christians who went into hiding had multiplied to 10 million. Today they number around 100 million. “By any standard, the recent growth of Christianity in China has been meteoric”. Forty new churches open every week, not counting underground house churches. The growth rate of Christianity since 1980 has been 7% per year. If this rate continues for 15 more years, there will be more Christians in China than in any other nation in the world — 294.6 million."
I remember this excerpt from the podcast interview.
"There is not much China can do anymore to stem the conversions to Christianity. There are untold numbers of Chinese officials and many faculty and students who are openly Christian, so the numbers will snowball in the future. China has passed the point where it is next to impossible to thwart this mass movement to Christianity."
To listen to the podcast interview of the book's author click HERE
To view the book review by Kyle Barton click HERE
To view the author's web page click HERE.

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