
Monday, July 18, 2016


My Armory

These quotes are excerpts from "Church and Culture" blog today.

"The critical importance of reading reminds me of something I came across long ago – so long that the author now escapes me. But I recall it was a lament for a book never read. The loss of pages never turned, covers never opened, words never seen." 

"A single book can deepen your understanding, expand your vision, sensitize your spirit, deepen your soul, ignite your imagination, stir your passions and widen your wisdom. There truly can be mourning for a book that is never read – mourning for the loss of what our lives could have held, and could have accomplished."

"To read, you must first position yourself to read. I have learned to keep books around me. When I travel, when I take my car to have the oil changed, when I pick my children up from school, when I go to the doctor's office, I bring a book, journal or magazine. If you were to look around my home, you would see stacks of books everywhere: on the tables by the side of beds, on the floor by chairs."

Click HERE to read, "THE LIBRARY AS ARMORY" by James Emery White.

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